Investment Proposal
"Construction and operation the of seasonal
auto camping at the Choban Kule cape"
The present offer is presumable and developed at the base
of Morskoe village council proposal with the purpose to acquaint potential
investor with prospects of activity in recreational sphere on the Territory
of priority development "Sudak".
To get the additional information as regarding the project, please,
appeal to economy department of executive committee of city council
in Sudak: Lenin Street 85-a, Sudak city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
Ukraine. Contact phone: 38 06566 2-20-96
Contact person - the director of Morskoe State Farm - Factory Ivan K.
Ischuk phone/fax (06566)38030, 38016.
Mission of the investment proposal
With the purpose of health - improving, rest and entertaining services
providing on the ground area and beach assigned for these purposes it
is offered to create a seasonal auto-camping from collapsible constructions
with an associated infrastructure for rest.
For realization of this project different variants can be considered,
including creation of Joint Venture on the following terms:
- Morskoe State Farm - Factory gives the land plot up to 3 hectares
on the rent terms without rental payment;
- The investor finances expenses for construction and equipment of the
auto camping.
Existing situation
The ground
area up to 3 hectares is located in east part of the Choban Kule cape
near the seacoast.
From the west side the territory is bounded with the small river Choban
Kule Uzen, and road Sudak - Alushta from the north. (Fig. 1.).
Fig. 1. The land area location.
The ground area is located in 5 kilometers from Morskoe village.
Nowadays there is nothing on its territory and it is using for rest
casually by unorganized vacationers. The shore has sandy and pebble
beaches and seawater is remarkable for high ecological cleanliness and
a transparency.
Fig. 2. The land lot view
The auto camping description.
According to suggested variant the auto camping for 50 cars with 50
four beds tents pitching is proposed.
For their operation it is planned to construct:
- Parking place for 50 motor vehicles;
- Playgrounds for big tennis, volleyball (hire of sports stock including);
- Kitchen;
- Sanitary - household unit (bio-toilets, shower rooms, washstands,
tanks for fresh water);
- Water-supply well;
- Infrastructure (checkpoint, places for rest).
Created infrastructure will allow to Sudaksky region businessmen on
a rent terms to organize objects of trade and food services, including
an ice-cream parlor, a cafe of national cuisines, a disco, a diving
center and other establishments.
It is planned that all constructions should be temporary and made from
collapsible constructions providing their reliable operation in windy
conditions. After summer all constructions should to be disassembled
and stored in warehouses till next summer.
The sum of investments makes $68.4 thousands. Duration of complex construction
is 3 months (plus 3 months for equipment and stock purchase).
Application of the suggested project variant will allow provide rendering
of auto camping services with accommodation of clients in tents, including
sanitation services and other profile services, and other infrastructure
For calculation of the cash flow was applied taxation system for small
enterprises - the 10 % Integrated Tax. The given model of the taxation
is optimal and is applicable to the project, as the planned quantity
of the workers makes 12 persons, and income less than $100 thousands
per a year. At the request of the potential investor other model of
taxation in calculations can be applied.
Economic efficiency coefficients of the project, 5 years of the
- Net profit with the saved up result - $0,107 million USD;
- Internal rate of return (IRR) - 45 %;
- Payback period (PP), discounted - 3,2 years (at the rate of discounting
of 15 % annual);
- Payback period (PP), not discounted- 2,7 years;
- Profitableness index (Pi) -2,7
- Depreciated cost of fixed capitals excluding ground and business cost
is $0,04 million (5-th year of the project).
As the basic results of the project:
- Creation of the auto camping with the Sanitary - household infrastructure;
- Attraction of clients from Sudak region, Ukraine and NIS countries;
- Maintenance of gross revenues of the enterprise in the sum of $60
thousands (for 6th year of the project), and net profit more than $25
thousands for the same period

Fig. 3. Beach under the planned auto camping.
the detailed variant