The Investment Proposal
" Construction and operation
of club type resort complex "Club" "
project is developed on the basis of the offer of Swiss company "
NEXUS " on behalf of branch establishments " Nexus-PKK"
(industrial - commercial firm) located in Ukraine, Patorz-hinskogo str.,
27, Dnepropetrovsk city, (tel. 8-10-38-0562-47-67-02, 8-10-38-0562-47-67-05,
E-mail, with the purpose of acquaintance of
the potential investor with prospects of activity in recreational sphere
in territory of priority development "Sudak".
To get the additional information as regarding the project, please,
appeal to economy depart-ment of executive committee of city council
in Sudak:
Lenin Street 85-a, Sudak city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.
Contact phone: 38 06566 2-20-96
Picture 1. Location of the land lot
Content of the investment project
On the land lot of 150 hectares, located in Kapsel bay in 3-4 kilometers
from Sudak with a beach strip in 1 km length construction and operation
of club type resort complex is supposed. For the complex "Club"
is planned to create unique, not having analogues in Crimea, infrastructure
where all is meant for rest, entertainments, improvement, trainings,
interesting and cognitive pastime, working the year round. Complex can
accommodate 1940 people at once.
Besides unique resort organization, the project stipulates restoration
of ecological balance of territory

Picture 2. Presumable variant of the housing scheme
This variant is not ultimate one. Presence of a plenty of objects can
assume various variants of buildings and constructions assembling and
combination. Developers of the investment offer pre-pared it for the
potential investor to familiarize with features of the area of assumed
construction and conditions of economic activities as the subject of
territory of priority development "Sudak".
According to preliminary estimates, the total amount of investments
for an offered variant of ground area development makes 200 millions
USD and cower expenditures for construction:
1. Hotel of 80 numbers (3 floors, 1st floor of 1400 sq.m., total
area of 4200 sq.m.).
2. Hotel of 140 numbers (3 floors, 1st floor of 2450 sq.m., total area
of 7350 sq.m.)
3. Three hotels of 200 numbers (7 floors, 1st floor of 1700 sq.m., total
area of 11900 sq.m.).
3. 150 Bungalows (1 floor, of 40 sq.m., total area of 6000 sq.m.)
4. 6 dwelling four-storeyed houses of 80 apartments
6. One-storied building of complex management
Other infrastructure: field for golf, garage, open pool with seawater,
open pool with a fresh water, open tennis courts and playgrounds for
sports games, billiard pavilions, bars, training halls, saunas, russian
bathhouse, jone-storied center of beauty and health, one-storied restaurant
of European cuisine, one-storied restaurant of east cuisine, two one-storied
children restaurants, one-storied children theatre for 100 places, one-storied
supermarket, closed amphitheater for 1000 places, open center of a scuba
diving, open center of water entertainments, international yacht - club
(a berth for mooring of 20 yachts, slipway for boats and yachts for
25 units, helicopter platform for 2 helicopters, etc..
Engineering constructions:
1. Anti-flood storage-pond;
2. Pumping station of the second rise;
3. Water tower;
4. The device and installation of drop irrigation system;
5. Ordering and fastening temporary stream channels;
6. Construction of sewer clearing constructions;
7. Construction of sewer pumping stations;
8. Construction of various collecting channels;
9. Devices of reserve diesel power station.
Implementation of an offered variant of the project will allow providing
hotel services including feed-ing, entertainment, sports and cultural
amusements, excursions, yachting, etc. One of the attractive features
of the offered variant is construction of complex of sports and health-improving
objects that will allow all-the-year-round functioning of a complex.
In case of implmentation o the project under the Territory of Priority
Development of "Sudak" management the sum of received tax
remissions will make 20-30 million USD.
Estimated capacity of a resort on months:
July, August - 100 %, June, September - 85 %, May, October - 70 %, April
- 50 % - without a bun-galow, only hotels, November - 50 % - without
bungalows, only hotels.
Economic efficiency of the project
- Net profit with the saved up result (10 years of the project ) -
163 million USD;
- Internal rate of return (IRR) - 10 % for 15-th year of the project;
- Cost benefit ratio (CBR) - 1,005 (15-th year of the project under
10% annual rate of discounting);
- Payback period (PP), not discounted- 9,6 years;
- Profitableness index (Pi) -1,101 (15-th year of the project).
- Depreciated cost of fixed capitals excluding ground and business cost
- 64 million of USA dollars (15-th year of the project).
Above-listed factors are counted by a common method with discounting
method application with-out depreciated cost (liquidation value) of
the project.
At the request of the potential investor additional calculation of
economic efficiency can be done by the way of changing of the apartment
prices and annual capacity also volume and kinds of an ren-dered services.
Economic impact of the project and its social importance
As a result of the project on its third year 700 constant and also
200 seasonal workplaces will be embed. The object of resort-tourist
service will be implemented.
The new object a resort - tourist service that corresponds to the world
standards will be constructed and it should to exert essential influences
on tourist image of Sudak.
Additional funds as taxes and dues in the sum 65 million USD for 10
years of the project will be involved in to the state budget.
To get the additional information as regarding the project, please,
appeal to economy depart-ment of executive committee of city council
in Sudak:
Lenin Street 85-a, Sudak city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.
Contact phone: 38 06566 2-20-96
The initiator of the project firm " NEXUS " has intention
to finance the project partially, but the other investor is desirable
for successful projectl realization.