The Investment Proposal
"Replacement of cleared sewage deep-water dumping
on system for agricultural irrigation"

Current situation description
The essence of the project to be invested consists in modernization of existing sewage-clearing constructions (SCC) of Sudak with substantial growth of their productivity and replace-ment of treated waste water discharge in water area of Black sea carrying out of additional biologi-cal clearing of drains with subsequent use of all volume of finished and disinfected sewage for the purpose of an irrigation of the grounds of agricultural enterprises of Sudaksky area.

Existing sewer clearing constructions (Kapsel track) are constructed in 1971 with potential output of 5 thousands m3 a day. The scheme of working now drains clearing includes gathering of sewage by water removal collectors by which drains move through pumping station (in area of cape Alchak) and then through discharge header to the sewer clearing constructions (SCC) located near Kapsel track (2,5 kms to northeast from Sudak). Purified water in existing SCC is not disinfected. First through automatic flow tank, and then through deep-water output the cleared waste water is discharged into water area of Kapsel bay. SCC was constructed at Soviet Union time and concentration of some polluting substances in the cleared sewage are higher of present required parameters. Carrying out of preventive actions by efforts of the enterprise has allowed achieving the specified level of drains clearing (25 mg/liter according to Building Normative and Rules admitted in 1965), however it is not enough (the present requirement is 25 mg/liter).

Picture 1. The wastewater clearing constructions in Sudak.

Intensive construction of objects of resort-recreational sphere in area of Sudak according to estimations of experts will result in nearest prospects in increase of water removal up to 10 ths.ì3/day. Besides it's common lack of fresh water in the area, absence of the big depths in Kapsel bay, and also presence of the big areas of industrial crops desperately needing irrigation. Distin-guishing feature of Sudak is absence of industrial sewage that guarantees protection of wastewater from specific pollution of industrial character.

The Crimean state project institute of objects municipal constructions design "Krymkommun-proekt" (Simferopol) by request of works and building department of Executive Committee of Su-dak has developed the working draft which provides required parameters of waste water purifica-tion at maximal use of existing constructions with the minimal power inputs.

The project allows intensifying process of clearing by application of new technological ways and devices without change of essence of biological sewage purification and with maximal use of constructions of existing complex.

High quality of clearing and steady work of clearing constructions is provided due to using of some "know-how" technological methods and modern equipment. Modular constructions and modern equipment offered to use allow adopting available constructions for existent legislative requirements.

Contents and the purposes of the investment proposal

The main purpose of the investment offer is attraction of investors to financing reconstruction of sewage-clearing constructions of Sudak which will allow to attain the required level of sewage-clearing and refuse to discharge cleared drains into Kapsel bay - in a developing resort zone. In contrast to the offer on construction of deep-water drain, investment expenses for the project reali-zation as it was estimated in 3-4 times less, and the project becomes commercial and pays off within 4 - 5 years. The economic efficiency is reached due to cleared water sales for irrigation of the vin-ery and fruit gardens; the preliminary agreement with the agricultural enterprises was signed. And the main argument - the price for water in Sudak region is the highest in Ukraine. The irrigation water price under the project is planned in ten times less of existing rates.

Normal operation of purification constructions complex answer to high sanitary parameters - Biological Oxygen Consumption 5 (BOC-5) - 3 mg /l and suspended sub-stances - 3 mg/l. The project plans purified water in amount from 3 thousands m3 a day up to 10-15 thousands cubic meter a day (in the long term).

The offered scheme will ensure the functioning of clearing constructions without sewage dumping into the sea, excepting its organic and bacterial pollution.

The main stages of the project:
- The first stage - reconstruction and modernization of sewage-clearing constructions with bringing their productivity up to 8 thousands m3 a day (possible up to 15 thousands m3 a day in the long term). This stage still provides the cleared drains discharge into the Black sea through existing deep-water header
- The second stage of reconstruction stipulates for insistent submission of the cleared drains for after purification on a bioplateau and their subsequent sale to agricultural manufacturers. The unclaimed cleared waters will go into Bugaz lake. In this case drain discharge into Black sea will be stopped.

Picture 2.The scheme of the existing and planned
sewage-clearing constructions in Sudak

According to preliminary estimates, the total amount of investments for an offered variant makes 1,519 millions USD

Besides, activity suggested according to the project "sewage treatment" belongs to priority kinds of activity of territory of priority development "Sudak". According to the existing legislation, from the beginning of realization of the project privileges for the ground payment, profit tax and the import duty that will improve parameters of the project can be received.

Economic efficiency parameters of the project

" Net profit with stored result (9 years of the project) - 0,9 million dollars USA;
" Internal norm of profitability of the project (IRR) - 13,7 % for 9-th year of the project;
" Efficient factor (CBR) - 1,075 (9-th year of the project);
" pay-back period(PP), discounted - 7,6 years (at the rate of discounting of 10 % annual);
" pay-back period (PP), not discounted - 6 years (since the first day of potential investor appearance);
" index of profitableness (Pi)-1,149 (9-th year of the project).
" depreciated cost of fixed capital without cost of the ground - 0,77 million dollars USA (9- th year of the project).
The mentioned above factors are calculated by a traditional method with application of a method of discounting and without taking into account a depreciated (liquidation value) project cost.
Term of design operation of objects according the project is from 25 (metal conduit without electro-chemical protection) till 50 years.

Economic influence of the project and its social importance
- Creation of highly remunerative business
- Pollution of unique Kapsel bay by sewage is excluded;
- Influence of anthropogenic factor on water area of Sudakskaya bay will be neutralized;
- Providing of above-normative sanitary - ecological conditions of resort - recreational sphere development in Sudaksky region ;
- Making of suitable for irrigation of farmland water resources (urgent for one of the most dry regions of Crimea) about 2,5 millions ì3/year (for a high-grade irrigation of about 750 hectares), with prospect of increase up to 5 millions.cubic meters per year;
- Ensuring of tax proceeds in about of 120 thousands USD for 9-th year of the project;
Predictable volume of proceeds is $700 thousands a year, the profit of 400 thousands USD a year.

To get the additional information as regarding the project, please, appeal to economy department of executive committee of city council in Sudak:

Lenin Street 85-a, Sudak city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.

Contact phone: 38 06566 2-20-96

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