The investment proposal
"Construction and operation of health-improving
complex " Peach garden""
present offer is presumable and developed at the base of Morskoe village
council with the purpose to acquaint potential investor with prospects
of activity in recreational sphere on the Territory of priority development
To get the additional information as regarding the project, please,
appeal to economy department of executive committee of city council
in Sudak: Lenin Street 85-a, Sudak city, Autonomous Republic of Crimea,
Ukraine. Contact phone: 38 06566 2-20-96
Fig. 1. Land lot location
Contact person - the head of Morskoe village council Leonid I. Krysov
phone/fax (06566)38008, 38084.
Mission of the investment proposal
To conduct sports health improving activities, year round competitions
and trainings for children, youth and master teams on football it is
planned to construct a health - improving complex with a football ground
(covered by grass) and sport grounds for court tennis and basketball,
also with hotel and covered swimming pool on a land lot given for these
For realization of this project different variants can be considered,
1. Creation of joint venture on the following terms:
- Morskoe village council gives the land plot up to 4 hectares on the
rent terms without rental payment;
- The investor finances expenses for construction and equipment of complex.
2. Creation of independent enterprise with the prospect of the ground
area purchase.
Existing situation
The flat surface land lot up to 4 hectares is located in the settlement
Morskoe at the sea shore. From the east side the territory is bounded
with the small river Voron, and road Sudak - Alushta from the west.
From the north is located land lot of the private firm "Parallel".

Fig. 2. The land lot view
Nowadays there is nothing on its territory and it is using for rest
casually by unorganized vacationers. Close underground water (few meters)
is registered on the territory. There is a certain amount of technical
water to shower football field with a grass cover. All the village infrastructure
(water supply, drainage, power lines) is located not far of the land
Complex description
As variant complex can include:
" football field with a grass cover 110 x 70 m and platform with
" sport grounds for court tennis and volleyball;
" drainage, land improving, fencing.
" Hotel for 100 places ñ body builder hall, sauna and massage room;
" Cafe for 80 places,
" Covered sea water swimming pool 10 x 20 meters;
" Beach improvement and beach stock.
The sum of investments makes $2,35 million. Duration of complex construction
is 18 months (football field and sports grounds arrangement will take
4 months and swimming pool 6 month.
The Project realization shall to arrange sport competitions and sport
activities (football trainings and matches, trainings for other kinds
of sport). One of the Project peculiarities is swimming pool and other
health - improving infrastructure that will allow operate the complex
all year.
With a view of reduction of investment expenses, the covering of the
swimming pool is planned to make from poly-carbonaceous materials. Their
low heat conductivity (plus heating equipment) allows operate swimming
pool all-the-year-round.
The main incomes are planned to receive of hotel and sports complex
operation. Sources of additional incomes will be: operation of bar,
swimming pool, courts, sauna, body building hall, excursion service,
delivery of passengers and clients to the point of departure (airport,
railway station) and etc.
As a result of the project on its second year 60 workplaces will be
embed at the second year of the project. The object of sports for youth
and adults will be constructed.
Payback period (PP), not discounted- 6,3 years (or 4,5 year since
end of construction).

Fig. 3. Land area view from the east (Sudak - Alushta road).
As the basic results of the project:
" modern sports - recreational Center construction and operation;
" new services for village dwellers and vacationers;
" attraction of a sports teams for trainings and competitions is
" new workplaces creation;
" Maintenance of gross revenues of the enterprise in the sum of
0,79 million USD (per year since 9-th year of the project), and net
profit 0,3 million USD for the same period.
the detailed variant