Investment Proposal
"Construction and Maintenance of Ecopark"
State Forestry is located in a southeast part of mountain Crimea. It
is established in 1928. The hunting ground general area is 47,4 thousand
hectares. Height of mountains up to 1000 m. Extent from the north on
the south - 42 kilometers, from the west on the east - 75 kilometers.
Extent of the seashore is about 120 kilometers. The Forestry provides
the hunting tours and excursions in picturesque places of mountain Crimea.
Skilled huntsmen and hunter specialists carry out services. Primary
processing and an estimation of trophies is possible. Forestry provides
registration of all necessary documents for trophies export. There is
an operational experience with foreign tourists. It is possible to familiarize
with the Forestry at (russian variant).
A unique geographical location and climate of the Crimean peninsula
are widely known. Crimean woods have a particular importance and status.
Square area of Crimean woods is 274.300 hectars. They are represented
with the woods of the 1-st group, i.e. specially protected. The fact
is connected with their water-protection and land-protection functions,
and with their balneological, recreational and aesthetic roles. The
most important kinds of trees are oak (56%) and pine (12%), the rest
area is occupied by quaking aspen, lime tree, ash, cade, grab-tree,
Stankevich pine, thuja, cypress, ets 26% of the forest territory is
national park. First of all they are Crimean Natural and Yalta National
Parks, 11 refugiums, 7 natural memorials, 26 objects of local importance.
Migration paths of the majority of game birds are passing the Crimean
territory. Thus, besides local kinds during the birds migration a large
number of doves, quails, culvers, mallards are gathered on hunting ground,
and goose flocks in several thousands stay for wintering in Crimea.
A great number of woodcocks spend a certain period of time jn Crimean
hunting grounds while migrating.
Therefore Crimean wood territory is of particular interest for rest
and hunting.
Mission of the Investment Proposal
On the land lot given by Sudak State Region Forestry with
the square area up to five hectares there is a construction of an Ecopark
for entertainment, knowledgeable trips, hunting, sport trainings and
horse tourism. Riding horses, ponies and donkeys are planned to be organized
for children, and visiting a Zoo with Crimean birds, animals and pheasants
is much of interest.

Picture 1. The view on a part of proposed land lot.
The distinguishing feature of the Project are throughout the whole
year equitation training and horse tours, also hunting for pheasants,
it is due to the fact that pheasants are specially grown in pheasant-farm.
To realize the Project a joint venture could be created under the condition
- Sudak State Region Forestry gives a land lot with the square area
of 5 hectares renting it without charge. In future it is possible to
rent a larger area;
- An investor pays expenses for constructing Ecopark, buying horses,
animals and pheasants and equipment.
The sum of investments makes $325 thousands. Duration of ecopark construction
is 14 months.
The project does not provide construction of the hotel, arriving hunters
and other visitors, if necessary, can be placed in the city hotels and
Implementation of the Ecopark construction should to provide amusement
services for citizens, vacationers and hunters. The services should
to give to the adults and children pleasure of dialogue with horses,
animals and birds, to inculcate to children the feeling of love to an
animal and nature. And there are another services for tired traveler,
horsemen and hunters - they are Russian bath, cafe (they can to prepare
both shooted game and other dishes), retired places for rest.
of an offered variant of the project will allow to receive income for
tickets and other services sale.
They are: hacking, horsemanship training and 2-3 days horse tours, zoological
garden, Russian bath, license (permissions) for hunting, services for
hunters providing (yagers, hunting dogs, cars etc), hunting tours for
game-bird, ground game and ungulates, pheasant hunting (Forestry has
developed special technology without licensing), etc.
Taking into account limitation of permissions for hunting, for more
effective utilization of region's hunting potential (in the economic
and ecological view), the most part of the permissions for hunting is
supposed to sale to foreign hunters at the base of the long term contracts
with the western firms specialized on hunters services.
To load Ecopark in autumn, winter, spring an additional advertising
will be organized. Using Yalta Zoo experience special agreements will
be signed with Crimean health resorts and recreation organisations and
tourist firms to visit Ecopark regulary.
Economic efficiency coefficients of the project (9 years of the project
- Net profit with the saved up result - 0,85 million USD;
- Internal rate of return (IRR) - 39 % for 12-th year of the project;
- Cost benefit ratio (CBR) - 1,34 (under 12% annual rate of discounting);
- Payback period (PP), discounted - 3,8 years (at the rate of discounting
of 12 % annual);
- Payback period (PP), not discounted- 3,3 years;
- Profitableness index (Pi) -1,93
- Depreciated cost of fixed capitals excluding ground and business cost
- 0,1 million of USA dollars.
Above-listed factors are counted by a common method with discounting
method application without depreciated cost (liquidation value) of the
Economic impact of the project and its social importance
As a result of the project on its second year 20 constant and also
3 seasonal workplaces will be embed. The object of sports, educational
and resort-tourist services will be implemented and it should to exert
essential influences on tourist image of Sudak that provide an additional
vacationers at off-season.
Additional funds as taxes and dues in the sum 0,45 million USD for 9
years of the project will be involved in to the state budget.
As the basic results of the project:
" Ecopark construction with an sports and rest infrastructure;
" attraction of the sitizens of Cudak region and vacationers, hunters
from Ukraine and other countries, sportsmen for riding entertainments
and trainings;
" обеспечение устойчивого развития предприятия за счет стратегии
предоставления современного комплекса спортивных, зрелищных, оздоровительных
и развлекательных услуг;
" Maintenance of steady development of the enterprise due to strategy
of the advanced complex sports - recreational services;
" Maintenance of gross revenues of the enterprise in the sum of
0,24 million USD (since 9-th year of the project), and net profit 0,136
million USD for the same period.
Contact information
The given proposal is developed and initiated by Sudak State Forestry
in order to attract a potential investor for the activity on the Sudak
priority development territory.
To get additional information on the Project please address Economics
Department, Executive Committee of Sudak Municipal Bodies:
Crimean autonomous Republic, tel. (06566) 22096, fax 22492.
Contact person: Anatoly Enzel - director, Sudak State Region Forestry
tel (06566) 31855.
the detailed variant