International fair-festival
"The Great Silk Way"
Sudak, 15th - 19th October 2003

The aim - to build bridges of friendship and cooperation between Western and Eastern countries.


- Establishment of a network of international offices of "The Great Silk Way";
- organization of international municipal club;
- Elaboration of "The Great Silk Way" international trademark and creation of the network of trading houses of "The Great Silk Way".
- Elaboration of new international travel itineraries.
- Setting-up of a permanent international working group for revival of "The Great Silk Way".

Wednesday 15 October 2003

Arrival of participants and guests

Thursday 16 October 2003

10-00 Opening of tourism fair "The Great Silk Way". Opening of exhibition "Crimea - land of wine-making". Opening of exhibition "The cultural heritage of Crimea".
11-30 Opening of international education conference
14-00 International forum of regions and countries of "The Great Silk Way".
The first plenary session. The subject: "The Great Silk Way" at current stage: experience and perspectives of development."
Reports of politicians, businessmen and scientists.
Presenter: B. Deich
16-00 The work of sections and round tables:
- Economy: "The creation of "The Great Silk Way" international trademark within the framework of transnational corridor Asia - Europe."
Organizers: V. I. Kulish - Minister of the Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, V.I. Ryaboshapko - Chairman of the Permanent commission of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Foreign Economic Relations, Trade and Business.
- Tourism: "The perspective of organization of new international travel itineraries "Asia-Europe"
Organizers: E.A. Mihailov - Chairman of the Permanent commission of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Recreation and Resort Complex and Tourism, A.I. Taryanik - Minister of Tourism and Resorts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
- Sport: Holding of international competitions in accordance with the formula "East - West"
Organizers: N.T. Gostev - Chairman of the Republican Sport Committee, T.V. Umrihina - Chairman of the Permanent commission of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Culture, Youth Affaires and Sport.
- Culture: "The cultural heritage of "The Great Silk Way"
Organizers: T.M. Aronova - Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, T.V. Umrihina - Chairman of the Permanent commission of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Culture, Youth Affaires and Sport.
- Education: "The issues of application of international standards in the sphere of education"
Organizers: A.D. Borisov - Minister of Education of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, E.G. Bubnov - Chairman of the Permanent commission of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on Science and Education.
- Science: "The Great Silk Way" historical experience and problems of present"
Organizers: V.N. Bernadskiy - pro-rector on science of the Taurish national university named after Vernadskiy, N.N. Pavlov - expert of the Fund of assistance to local administration of Ukraine
- Management: "About international programme of "The Great Silk Way" revival"
Organizers: V.I. Drujinin - First Deputy Chairman of local administration Association of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, N.A. Puhtinskii - Chairman of the Fund of assistance for local administration of Ukraine at the President of Ukraine, S.M. Raskin - Chairman of the Head Office of External Relations and Protocol of the Council of ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, L.A. Shremf - Mayor of Sudak City.
18-00 The work of editorial commission at preparation of the fair-festival final documents
20-00 The Chairman of Verhovnaya Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea B.D. Deich gives a reception
During the day
: operation of exhibitions and fairs; sport competitions; cultural programme.

Friday 17 October 2003

9-30 International forum of regions and countries of "The Great Silk Way".
The second plenary session. The discussion of reports according to the results of the work of sections and round tables. Creation of an international working group for revival of "The Great Silk Way". Report of editorial commission.
Presenters: V.N. Raenko, E.A. Mihailov, L.A. Shremf
11-00 The session of the international working group on the results and perspectives of the development of the international programme "The Great Silk Way".
Presenters: V.N. Raenko, E.A. Mihailov, L.A. Shremf
14-00 Signing of the final documents: agreements, addresses
"The current stage of the development of "The Great Silk Way"
Presenter: B.D. Deich
15-00 Press-conference
16-00 The holiday of wine
19-00 Gala-concert "The Great Silk Way"
Groups from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Asia, Byelorussia etc take part in the concert.
During the day: sport competitions, operation of tourism fair, exhibition; cultural programme, operation of international education conference

Saturday 18 October 2003

9-00 Trade-fair of the goods and agricultural products
10-00 Session of the international municipal club "Discussion of the documents and international projects of "The Great Silk Way"
14-00 Round table: "Seaside resort season Crimea - 2003: experience and perspectives of development"
During the day
: operation of international education conference; final sport competitions; entertainments, trips etc. Departure of participants and guests

Sunday 19 October 2003

Departure of participants and guests